A place to give my thoughts on my other not so secret life of fibre obsession. Reviews of yarn & patterns through trial and error. I'm a woman with alot of knowledge and opinions. Yarn is just one of them. And I'm not afraid to tell you what I think.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Picture #5
So here is the last photo of the week.
This is another photo of the sunset at stoney lake.
It was not taken on the same day as the other one.
Enjoy the weekend!
Play Safe!
Have Fun!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Change is a comin'
I always plan what I am going to eat & when. I usually make my lunch for the week on Saturday or Sunday. I always make enough food to last a week.
I eat my breakfast at work around 8:15 or 8:30am. There are two reasons for this. One if I am swimming, I don't have too much food in my system & feel sick. The other is that I'm not starving by 10am and then a cycle of starving starts for the whole day.
I usually have some sort of snack in the morning and a largish lunch. I finish off the day by having a small supper & maybe a snack around 8pm.
Well I don't seem to be hungry these days.
I think there are a few options here:
1. I am taking greens + which is said to stop cravings for most foods, because you are getting the nutrients added.
2. The weather - They say warmer weather makes you eat less and/or lighter, but I personally have never found this.
3. Junk food detox - Maybe I am not hungry because instead of "Feeling" hungry because of the severe dip of my blood sugar.
4.My food obsession is going away - I have been obese most of my life. I have tried to lose weight and had some success, but nothing has worked. I had been going to weight watchers (A very good program that I would highly recommend to anyone!)for many years. I decided it was time to stop. I was paying to go up & down between a few pounds (I know we've all been through many of those situations). But I was also worried about going out & enjoying myself. So I decided I needed a break. It is really easy to let yourself think about the next meal. It was to the point all I could think about is planing food. I seem to be coming out of that phase of my life. Now realistically I will always need to watch what I eat whether I am going to lose or maintain my weight. But there is a difference between watching and watching.
What I think is that it is probably a combination of all of the above.
Photo # 4
Good Thursday to all!
Here is picture # 4 in my picture a day series.
I have chosen this picture because it was taken at the cottage & I thought I would post it in honour of the long weekend coming up. I do not get the day off as it is a civic holiday not a stat holiday. The only reason that sucks for me is that I would have finally got to spend some time with a friend of mine. Somehow we only get to see each other for a brief moment when we do get together.
Anyways, back to the photo. This is obviously a sunset. This is a sunset from the dock of my cottage, Romaja, on Stoney Lake. Or Stony Lake. It is spelled both ways although I have always preferred the first spelling. The second one looks wrong.
Stoney is one of my favourite places. It reminds me of childhood. It reminds me of my extended family whom I enjoy.
The cottage is on a giant island (Ferry Lake island) with a lake in the middle of it (Ferry Lake, Surprising eh?). You can walk it but it isn't walked very often except by the cottagers dogs, although it does seem that more people are using them to go visit each other theses days.
On this island far far away from Romaja is Hurricane Point. Hurricane point was once Peter Jennings grandparent's place & my aunt Margaret bought it with some inheritance money. So her children who coincide with me & my sister in age, spent our summers between those two cottages with visits from other cousins and we were often looked after by our older cousins.
Smack dab in the middle of the two cottages, was my uncle David's cottage. David is not actually my uncle. He is my mum's cousin, but for some reason I have always called him my uncle. So we had even more extended family up at the cottage during the summers.
So I hope you all enjoy your long weekend whatever you may be doing!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Geekiness, Dorkiness & Nerd-dom too!
According to dictionary.com the meanings are as follows:
geek Slang.
1. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.
2.a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.)
3.a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken.
–noun Slang.
1.a stupid, irritating, ineffectual, or unattractive person.
2.an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit: a computer nerd.
–noun Slang.
1.a stupid or ridiculous person; jerk; nerd.
Well I call myself all of the above. But those are not the definitions I see myself as. Although #3 of Geek sounds alot like me! As an admitted Dork/nerd geek, I would hardly say I am unlikeable or stupid. I may be irritating at times, but hey so are you!
I have always been a nerd/geek /dork & I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
When I was a child I didn't understand those labels or any labels at all. Once I hit the teens is a different story. I was a Band/Music/Drama geek in high school but I wouldn't hear those terms. I didn't want to be labelled at all. I was the anti-labeller.
Geekiness, Dorkniess and Nerd-dom continued as a singing geek through my twenties.
I don't know where I learned to accept the "eccentricities" that I have but I did. I hit my thirties and was able to acknowledge my Nerd-dom , Geekines and/or dorkiness. I still had friends who didn't like it when I called myself one of those as if I was insulting myself and not embracing it.
I actually find it freeing in some weird way. I have pretty much been accepting of myself through the years, but accepting that I am who I am, makes me love me more. I wish more people could figure it out for themselves.
Let's stand up and profess ourselves our nerd-dom bliss!
Welcom to Nerd-dom!
Picture # 3
This picture was taken thanksgiving weekend 2008. It was crazy warm that day and I decided to take my camera around the hood to take some photos.
As I was winding the trip down, I passed by this crazy pink flower. It looks like a sea creature or an alien. It was also pink so it struck me.
I will write more later. I have a bunch of legal documents that have to get out!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Picture # 2
Happy Tuesday!
The garbage strike is basically over. In honour of that I have decided that picture number two in picture a day should be a City Hall shot.
This was taken at city hall. I love the angles, the textures and the one lonely seagull that is sitting there. That seagull (or a seagull) is always there when I walk by city hall.
There is a cement walkway which people can walk on, but I don't think people ever actually do. There are plans by the City to beautify it so maybe more people will go up there. So the light concrete is the ramp up the walkway.
Underneath is ground level. You can sort of make out the shadings of the pillars that hold the walkway.
The third part of this is the texture of the city hall building.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Randomness Monday!
I have one more full week of no more junk food. Today's trip to the store for a diet Pepsi was a resounding success. There wasn't even a thought towards the junk food. I looked at it only while I was standing in line.
I have a goal of losing 60lbs for one of my best friends wedding next summer. So that's 5lbs a month. That shouldn't be a problem. Well I have had moderate success. I lost one pound this past week and that means 59 to go. I wonder if I had been swimming and biking more if there would have been more. But I am right on track right now!
Semi-random change
I hate being a size 15. I can't wear size 14 pants because they're too tight. They don't make size 15 pants. So I have to wear size 16 pants. That sucks because I look like those girls who want to wear the cool styles but don't have the body for it so we can see all the giggly stuff. They also wear shirts that don't fit right so it is just bad. I am constantly having to yank my pants up. Not fun. I will not wear a belt, because I find them uncomfortable.
Weekend randomness!
I decided to sit down & rent a TV show on DVD. I had wanted to watch Mad Men, but the whole season was not available. So as I was perusing the choices I decided upon Arrested Development. Now I have seen bits & pieces of the show. I knew it was strange & quirky(like yours truly!) & it has been recommended to me many times over. Lord is that a funny show. I don't normally laugh out loud at comedies (although I don enjoy them!) but I'm sure I woke my mother up I was laughing so hard. I still have one more DVD of season 1 to finish. But that will easily be done by tonight!
This weekend I organized my yarn. That may not sound exciting to some of you but it was very satisfying. I got a bunch of large Ziplocs (a cheap version of them really) and put the same kind of yarn in to the same bag, labelled it & put it in the giant green Tupperware for safe keeping. The organization helped me find some of the multitude of projects I've been hanging onto. Some I will just do something else with. Others are close to completion. I actually finished 2 lingering projects. I have finished the knitting of Mum's sweater, now all I have to do is sew it together! YIPPEE!! This has been an oddly satisfying weekend!
Back to today!
I am a tad disappointed my bag broke at the bottom. It is easy to fix, just a pain!!!
My books for the law clerks class arrived at the office today. Much earlier than I thought they would.
That's it for now. I may be back!
Good Monday Morning Folks!
Good Monday Morning to y'all!
I have now decided post a picture a day. This will last until my current photos have run out. Then I will replenish at some point and continue.
These are photos that I have taken myself and some are works in progress.
Photo one is the building I work at. Seeing as it is Monday morning, the beginning of the work week, I thought that the office building would be appropriate.
The main floor has a Friar & Firkin Pub which some Fridays we go for drinks at. The First set of complete windows is the third floor, where I am. I don't have a window, as I am at the reception in the middle of the floor.
The second full set of windows is the office of Lewis & Collyer. L&C is my Dad's law firm.His actual office is two of those windows facing us in the picture.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Big plans!
Oh my weekend plans are big! Huge!
I am doing the food shopping tonight so I miss the weekend rush. I hate food shopping when it's busy. I always take my Ipod with me so I can block out all the people driving me crazy with their stupidity. So if you call while I am shopping & I miss your call, I'm sorry I have the phone on vibrate, but I don't always feel it. Bear with me, I will get to your call.
I also have to get used to the change of the aisles. Apparently all the Loblaws are becoming uniform in where everything goes. Plus they are getting rid of certain products.
Saturday consists of some walking around before it pours, some laundry maybe a bit of cooking and a trip to Haley's store (Knit-o-Matic) for the Saturday Stitch n' Bitch and Yarn Swap. Then I will have the evening dog walk to attend to. I will top off my night probably watching a DVD or *fingers crossed* Checking out some of my photos and try & post them.
Sunday morning it's off to church. No I am not religious (spiritual yes religious no!)! But I am the alto section leader at Emmanuel Howard Park United Church on Roncesvailles. During the summer each of the soloists take turns in showing up to lead the congregation in the hymns, because you know there are lots of people in church during the summer! I am doing a three week stint starting this weekend, and then I start back in September.
After a morning of singing for Jesus, I am supposed to be going to the movies with a friend. We have made plans to see a movie for months but something always gets in the way. The movie we want to see is not playing at the most convenient theatre, but we are going to see something anyway. We have seen movies together for years, at one point for many years it was a weekly occurrence. SO *FINGERS CROSSED!!*
After that it's home to get ready for the work week.
I think I'll throw some sleep in there. If I the weather permits, maybe a bike ride and some photography.
Have a great weekend no matter where you are, what you're doing or who you're with!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
One I am PMSing(Sorry to you squeamish people) which makes me crave junk & two the dark rainy weather adds to that. I have a headache & need sleep!
So I am trying to find ways through the cravings. Mini Bonbelles, rice cakes & fruit somehow aren't doing it for me. I was thinking pizza. My Dad & I were talking about it on the way home from work yesterday.
No Pizza is not a junk food if you put the proper toppings and eat a slice or two.
I did go to the corner store and look at all the junk food longingly. But I did not buy. I am actually going to a friends 40th birthday next weekend and I am sure there will be junk. I am going to have to resist. I will not break this until August 3rd.
I will break it by making some gluten-free muffins. If I'm lucky I can find blueberries on sale & use them to add or maybe, just maybe I'll make them with chocolate chips!
Crappy Thursday to you all!
Unfortunately I have to be an adult & go to work. Well I'm actually already there. My morning coffee has done nothing for me.
This weather is to continue until Monday. BOO ON YOU WEATHER SYSTEMS!!!!!
But the good news is, Mum is back today so I don't have Dad & Dog duty. Which means sleeping in to 7am tomorrow(YIPPIEE!!!!!)! Also it is Thursday which means a good bought of Stitching and Bitching at Knit-o-matic tonight.
Also I may actually get to spend time with a friend this weekend. Every time we try to see a movie together, something happens. Finally he has a weekend day off. But I am still weary. Something always seems to get in the way.
Well I'm going to nap on top of my desk now! My eyes hurt! DAMN WEATHER!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Food for thought!
I would love a big juicy hamburger or a rather large steak. I don't need any of the fixin's! Just the Beef!
My body is a bit off whack with eating this week. I am not over eating, but I seem to be able to go longer than usual without needing to eat. I don't think of this as a problem or anything. Maybe it is the combinations of what I am eating.
I am currently eating a cold lentil & Quinoa combo.
For those of you who don't know, Quinoa is a Mayan grain that is really high in protein. They look a little weird because of the white tails, but it cooks up really easily. The added bonus is that Quinoa is also relatively high in iron, which, for some reason, for me is lower than it should be. So every little bit helps.
Anyway I think that combo(which I made up in my head) is probably what is sustaining me over the day.
But I still want a steak!
Needless to say, I broke my short lens so I can only use the longer heavier one. Dad did say he would get a new lens as long as I get a better camera bag. He said photographers and bags are like woman and shoes, they are constantly buying new ones.
Just to explain, the camera I currently use is an old one of my Dad's. He has a few going at a time. Photography is his hobby. Last year I mentioned I would like to get a digital slr & start doing some work so he gave me one of the cameras he wasn't using anymore.
I have taken thousands of photos. A lot of them suck! But I also have a lot of good ones too. They make great Christmas presents. I had each niece and nephew in photo and gave framed copies to my Sister, Brother and Mum. I had a great picture of my sister's chocolate lab sitting on the dock up at the cottage in the sunset. That was an early shot. But really beautiful.
My favourite things to shoot are nature shots. I like trees with lots of knots. I have shots of foliage with great lighting. Stark colour contrasts & architectural stuff as well. My Dad is good at taking candid shots of random people, but I am scared someone is going to beat me up if they see the camera. Maybe with time I will screw my courage to the sticking place & do it.
Today on the ride into work, Dad did tell me that he thought I was quite talented. Coming from my Dad (you know the type really hard to get a true compliment from) it means a lot.
I do keep trying to plan a day to go out & shoot, but the weather gets in the way. Also carrying it around at work doesn't work so good.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Links I Like
Knit-o-matic is my friend Haley's yarn store. It is local to my area!
Arts Integra is my friend Cassandra's arts school.
Bourne House Bed & Breakfast and Spa is my friend Cassandra's other business. She is one busy hard working Woman!
Scratch Espresso Bar is the local place around the corner from me & down the street from Haley's store on Bathurst. Street. It has great stuff & the staff is nice as well. The art is fabulous. Some of the stuff there is done by one of the owners, Eden.
Happy Tuesday!
My Dad broke his arm in 3 places July 1, while changing a light bulb. My Mum who has been helping him is taking a planned & well deserved break from all of it up at the cottage.
I am starting to see if children are in my future, what my life may become.
Anyway slept well & had a great dream, which will be for me only and not the blogosphere (Sorry!).
My attempt at becoming more girlie is continuing! I can't find a necklace/bracelet match that I am 100% crazy about that doesn't cost more than I can afford.
I bought another hair colour & am going to go dark red for a while.
This weekend I am going to crochet some dishcloths for the office with this bright obnoxious cotton yarn I don't know what to do with. So they are getting bright green & pink dishcloths. We'll see how they go.
It's 1:40pm & I haven't had lunch yet. But here's the thing. I'm not really hungry. Does that mean I am going to stuff my face tonight?
Welcome to my random thoughts!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Monday Afternoon Random Thoughts
Why do radio stations play certain songs to death? And why are they the crappy songs that get overplayed?
I am crocheting my 2nd bag from the same pattern, but this one is going to be larger than the last one. Why is that? I don't actually care. I am fine with the different sizes. I need to finish this bag so I can figure out bag sizes for my nieces & sister's bags that will be done at the end of the August. I will post a picture if I can.
I am suddenly in a girlie mood. Make-up, nails, dresses, skirts. I draw the line at heels though. I just can't go there! Why the sudden change? I don't know. I have always coloured my hair & I think I am going to go dark red until the fall. A nice cool red.
I am excited & scared about night school in the fall. I think it's all the lawyereze I am going to have to decipher. No I am not becoming a lawyer as many uncles have suggested. I am going to school to be a law clerk. Wow that sounds weird!
I don't know what to have for dinner.
I have a hankering for some chocolate. Damn you junk food detox!
The word my old roommate, April would say that would sum up this entry....RANDOM!
Monday morning randomness
I have been doing an experiment with the clock radio at my desk. When I came back from vacation it was way off in time. I assumed that the power may have gone off in my absence. So I fixed it. The next week it was off by 45mins or so. I fixed it again & wanted to experiment with how off it would go. Last week it spent the week 25 mins behind. This morning it is 10hours and 25mins ahead. This clock is one of the really old ones & was here when I started more than 2 years ago.
That technically means my work day finishes in 2 1/2 hours from now.
Should we get a new clock? I feel like I have one on the phones & on the computer screens. So I don't really need one. On the other hand most people coming into reception, might be happier checking the time out.
Why can't I get names & times of day correct.It's morning & I say good afternoon. The guy's name is Tim & I say Tom. At least most people get a laugh at my semi-confusion.
I saw Harry Potter yesterday. I enjoyed it as a movie. If I hadn't read the book in advance it would have been a great movie. But as a fan of the series, I wished they covered what to me was an important part of the book, the budding relationship between Harry & Dumbledore. The visiting of memories trying to find all they can about Voldemort is what deepens the bond of Harry & Dumbledore.
My dog is brilliant. She seems to know that my Mum is going away for a few days & I will therefore be the one taking care of her. She knows Dad has something weird on his arm & can't take her for walks. How she knows Mum is gone before she actually has left is strange. But that means the dog won't ever leave me alone. She is going to go all stalkerish on me. When I come down from my room she will be at my door.
Why am I so tired today? I don't have kids. I slept well & long & I don't seem to have energy. Maybe a second cup of coffee would be good. French press only of course! It is muffin day at the office, apparently a couple of the guys made muffins over the weekend! But I can't partake because I am on my junk food fast (Today is day 8 of 21!) & the suckers are made with wheat flour of which I am allergic to! But I think I will break my junk food fast with my own muffins. I'll bake them on the weekend before & then take them to work!MMMM Muffins!
The Black Eyed Peas are following me everywhere. I hear them all the time. I like their songs most of the time. But today I realised they pretty much suck. I have watched them do live performances & they are horrible & it's not just this new song that's out. I will give them credit for actually not using recordings when they perform though. You can tell it's really them, because they really suck. I mean really suck.
Friday, July 17, 2009
You can't go back
April's daughter is very cute.
April seems to be doing well & she will be working really close to both my home & my office starting next week. That means maybe we will hopefully see eachother more then we have lately!
We met at Eggspectations on Yonge Street.
We went because we had many fond memories of the Montreal restaurant in the chain.
Montreal had line-ups that went around the corner, the decor was light & bright. The waiters were all hot.
Toronto, not so much. It is a dark restaurant. I have a gluten allergy, so I told them to hold the toast. Then the waiter told me that they dust the potatoes in wheat. WHAT? But he would give me more fruit instead. More fruit my butt. He gave me the same fruit that the 2 year old had on her plate.
This shows me that what fond memories will have us do.
I am glad to have spent time with April & the baby!
Have a great weekend all!
What yarn should I use?
There are two in the same book as my shrug that I want to make. So the choice of sweater is one of the issues. The next choice will be what yarn would I use. I am thinking either a silk wool combo, or maybe some form of bamboo. But I am still investigating. Once I choose the yarn I can pick a colour. But that is more than likely a few months away.
Feel free to leave me any suggestions you might have.
About last night.....
I did make it home for one of my TV shows, So you think you can dance. I turned on the TV just to see the end of the musical act ( Black Eyed Peas! They are haunting me a lot this week!) and to see who goes home. America upset me because my favourite male dancer was in the bottom two. But he didn't go home, so all is well for another week.
I had some trouble falling asleep because one of my neighbours was having a rather loud party & the windows are always open unless it is the winter, because I love "fresh" air. I think it's was at the house where for many years the teenagers (who by now are in university & much more mature) would party & scream all hours of the night when their parents went out of town.
But eventually I did drift off & woke up to the sounds of Mika's "Happy Endings." Is that the sign of things to come?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Stitch N'Bitch night!
Yes that's right folks!
Do you know how to knit and/or crochet?
Are you looking for meeting some new & interesting people?
Then come to the stitch n' bitch at Knit-o-matic!
There is a link to the store on the right (If you look hard enough you can find a picture of me modeling a lovely hat knit by Haley, my friend & owner of the store!).
The conversations and company are great! This is definitely your Grandma's knitting circle!
I am there most Thursdays.
When I am not riding it for whatever reason, I miss it. These days when I walk to work I grumble that I could have been at the office already.
I am an interesting cyclist. I don't think of myself as a cyclist per se. I don't wear the little outfits or shoes. But I do enjoy my bike.
This morning if you were walking, bike or driving down St George/Beverly you would have been treated to the musical stylings of "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas complete with high pitch Fergie "People in the place...if you want to get down" I think the man who I stopped behind at the light thought I might have been threatening him when I was chanting Boom Boom Pow. DAMN YOU TELEVISION FOR PLAYING THAT WHILE I WAS WATCHING THE WEATHER FORCAST!!!!!
Now going home is a different matter. For those of you who don't know, going north from Queen St W up Beverly/St George to Davenport there is a slight incline until the huge can't miss hill at Davenport. So I don't love my bike at the beginning of the trip home. In fact, my inner thighs curse me for hours after I've made it home. Compared to last year at this time its not that bad, but it still sort of sucks!
Yesterday I made it 3/4's up the dreadful Spadina/Davenport hill. Why is that great? Hello have you seen me or that hill? I am a regular swimmer & have walked for hours at a time, so I am not unfit. But I am also not exactly the poster girl for the fit. So for me to get even halfway up the hill is cause for celebration!
I am going to set myself a goal of making it all the way up the hill by September 30,2009! You heard it here first. So now that I've done it, I will have to go through with it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Junk food break
I have made a promise that I will take a three week hiatis from eating all sorts of junk food. No chocolate, no baked goods & no chips of any kind!
Today is day 3.
I almost forgot my promise to myself. There I was with the bag in hand picking the bulk candy. When BAM! it hit me that I had made the promise to myself. What did I do? Put the bag down & walked away. I looked at the yogurts instead & chose not to go there either.
Crisis averted!