Excuse me from being MIA from the bloggosphere.
Things have gotten ahead of me for various reasons but I will try & keep in touch!
What's new with me?
Well I was on a crazy holiday knitting schedule, which resulted in successful presents all around!
My friend Haley, who owns knit-o-matic, broke her arms (both of them!). So I spent many weekends and free time going & helping her out. I wound yarn, used the cash register, you yarn business stuff.
After finishing the holiday knitting, I thought I would want to take a break, but NO! I started my own sweater. Unfortunately after I had done a third of the sweater, it was obviously way too big for me. So I have since started it again.
The in arrears blanket for my Dad is back as well It seems to be going faster now. I am not sure if that is due to the fact that I am kniting in the winter as opposed to the hot summer or if I am just a faster knitter than I was when I started it. I will go with a combination of both!
It may sound like my life is all knitting. But it isn't!
I am newly recovered from a sinus infection & bronchitis!FUN!
I am at night school once a week and the exam is 5 weeks away!SMALL FREAK OUT!
I have started up hot yoga! I have never sweated so much in my whole life. But I love to sweat! I am going to another class tonight. The goal is to go 3-4times a week. It's close to the house so I will go on the weekends too. The instructor for this past weekend's class Danny, was awesome! I have only gone to 2 classes, but I am already feeling the difference.
I am not giving up swimming. I am on hiatus due to the weather and the fact that I have been sick. But the ultimate plan is to swim 3 days a week before work & hot yoga too!
I have given up pop. I stopped January 11, 2010. For those of you who don't know, pop has always been a daily part of my life since I can remember. One of the lovely ladies at a sit n'knit explained that diet pop actually activates your sweet cravings which in turn makes you eat more sugary things you shouldn't be eating....OK that's a really simplfied version of what she said, but it go me thinking and so I decided to drop it! I don't miss it. No I don't drink more juice because of it. I drink water, tea & coffee!
So I have started some new health habits. These aren't resolutions. Resolutions are meant to be broken & I will break them. I did have one resolution. To not buy anymore yarn. Well I made that one knowing that it was going to be broken!
My family all seem to be doing well in their lives.
One of best friends got engaged over Christmas (or rather before Christmas) & I am very happy that she has finally found someone who deserves her! Now if she would just hurry up & have a baby so I can knit things for her life would be good!
I promise to keep you updated & write again soon!