Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mission # 2

I know the importance of exercise. I do actually love to walk, bike, swim and do hot yoga. This summer has been an absolute drain on my energy and there isn't any desire to do any real form of exercise. I wake up at 6am to get my butt down to the pool. I end up sleeping until 7:30 instead.

So the mission I have set for myself is to start swimming 3 days a week. Starting this week for three weeks. As we have all heard at some point in our lives, that it takes  3 weeks to form or break a habit. So I have come to the conclusion, that if I start going swimming 3 days a week for 3 weeks I will have less trouble getting there because my body will crave it.

So the mission this week has been going according to plan. I am up and out the door at 6:30am and in the pool by 7!

As you may or may not be able to tell I am taking little steps to improve the quality of my life. Not that there is anything wrong or cause for concern. I just think there are always a few ways to improve on life as it is. To make it more good (Oh my God! That's a Zoolander sentence!)

So I guess I'm on the working on me phase of life. It may last it may not. But it's here right now and I'll see how long it sticks around for

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