Monday, January 2, 2012

Thrum Mittens - The Journey!


So I have a new project that I started last night with a cold. I didn't understand what I was doing.
The project is for my Aunt Pat, who asked me to knit her a pair of thrum mittens from yarn that was her sisters.
COOL! I've always wanted to try Thrumming and I had never had the opportunity.  So I found a pattern and sped off into the wilds of thrumming.
What are thrum mittens you ask?
They are mittens that have pieces of roving (unspun yarn) knit into the mitten.

Then one rips them into pieces to insert.

Then the fun begins.

So I think I know what I'm doing, but it looks wrong. I read a relatively famous bloggers' take on thrum. Still doesn't work

Thank goodness for YouTube, as I am obviously a look not read for a concept kind of gal!

So here we go off to the races. I have the yarn the roving bits in a bag ready to go!
ripped roving


So finally I figure out what I am doing & I drop a stitch somewhere.

Rip out the small amount of work done and start again.

Now on a break and I think it looks cool to see Medusa like roving creeping out o f the top of the mitten.

This may take more time to finish then planned, but I still think its cool.

The alien looking mitts will be awesome and will be loved and that to me is the most important thing!
Alien tentacles rising from the mitten!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a warm mitten. The roving yarn makes the lining inside, right? Can't wait to see the finsihed mittens!
