Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A new challenge!

Howdy all!

So I had made a plan for my OWL blanket and wouldn't you know it got waylaid when I was distracted knitting a Dalek.

It appears that I have a small Doctor Who obsession. But its OK. It really is!

So on the selfishly crafted things for me, I have finished 3 items so far:
1. A lovely Its GAP-TASTIC! cowl. - It is called the Gap-tastic cowl. I have added the its as when I hear it in my head, I hear the Angel Gabriel (played by Rylan Wilkie) in the story.

2. A stuffed Dalek. It is 2 shades of pink and awesome!

3. A colourwork hat called INSULATE! in which the colour work looks like a Dalek. It too is in 2 shades of pink!

So due to ignoring the OWL, I've decided to do 10 rows of the charts in the Rams & Yowes blanket almost everyday for 2 weeks. I have a few things to take into consideration:
1. I do have real life events that mean I can't work on it.
2. I have a couple of other things I want to work on
3. I can't take this with me to a StitchnBitch or I will screw up!

I am happy to say that I am so happy with the results!

Here is where I was before I started this mini challenge:
Here is day one of the challenge:
Here is day 2 which I just completed:
I have learned a lot about reading charts and colourwork. Which was the whole point of this project (well that and it is totally cute!)!

I have been adapting nicely to deal with tension. Sometimes if I pull too tight, its too hard to slip around the needles. But I seem to fix it as I go along and the tension is much lighter. Tight sneaks in a bit, but I still manage to get it done.

I have had 2 counting mistakes. So I fixed them the Rosie way. That may make it look funny, but I bet you big money no one will ever notice!

I admit the steeking part is still making me nervous, but I have some time before I go there!

Anyhoo, time to go to sleep!

Monday, January 7, 2013


Howdy all!

I have spent time plotting and compiling!

I have even completed one project! Admittedly I am not keeping it, but that was all part of the plan!
I never said I wouldn't knit or craft for others, just I had to craft 40 things for me!

That being said there is progress on many things that I am making for myself.

I have a GAP inspired cowl (called GAP-tastic)inspired by a sample knit up at Knit-o-Matic!
It's GAP-Tastic - Name inspired by the show I just finished called The Story will make its debut showing here by the end of the week!
For those who haven't noticed, I've become a bit obsessed with Doctor Who.
What better way to show my love of the show then to craft it!
There will be various things over the year but I am starting with 2 items.
A stuffed Dalek & a Dalek inspired colour work hat.
These babies will be ready in the next couple of days.

But what I am currently excited about is my Technicolour Tapestry!
It is a pattern called Rams & Yowes. It is a blanket knit in the round and then steeked (you take scissors to it and cut the seam). A boarder will be added and then I will hang it like art!

This is a crazy exercise as I have very little colour work experience and I don't read charts so good!
9 colours!
4 charts!
I'm crazy right? 

I figure learn a whole bunch of stuff all in one go. I haven't done any really new skills in a while, so this is going all crazy.

I will talk more about the trials and tribulations for another day, but here is a photo to tide you over!

See Trials and tribulations! I Can't seem to add my photo at the mo!

I'll get it up for next time!

Word to your mother!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New year one and all!

This is a quick note to discuss the new year and how it's going to work!

We are entering my 40th year! I'm not ashamed, or scared or sad.

But I wish to celebrate my 40th birthday by crafting 40 things for myself!

I have titled it the year of crafting selfishly. I will be blogging my experiences and feelings for all of the projects.

I haven't started yet, but will be in the next day!

I will also be adding 40 lifestyle changes to my life this year as well.

The first is drinking water.

I will be adding more life style stuff as I go. Of course all will be recorded!