Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A new challenge!

Howdy all!

So I had made a plan for my OWL blanket and wouldn't you know it got waylaid when I was distracted knitting a Dalek.

It appears that I have a small Doctor Who obsession. But its OK. It really is!

So on the selfishly crafted things for me, I have finished 3 items so far:
1. A lovely Its GAP-TASTIC! cowl. - It is called the Gap-tastic cowl. I have added the its as when I hear it in my head, I hear the Angel Gabriel (played by Rylan Wilkie) in the story.

2. A stuffed Dalek. It is 2 shades of pink and awesome!

3. A colourwork hat called INSULATE! in which the colour work looks like a Dalek. It too is in 2 shades of pink!

So due to ignoring the OWL, I've decided to do 10 rows of the charts in the Rams & Yowes blanket almost everyday for 2 weeks. I have a few things to take into consideration:
1. I do have real life events that mean I can't work on it.
2. I have a couple of other things I want to work on
3. I can't take this with me to a StitchnBitch or I will screw up!

I am happy to say that I am so happy with the results!

Here is where I was before I started this mini challenge:
Here is day one of the challenge:
Here is day 2 which I just completed:
I have learned a lot about reading charts and colourwork. Which was the whole point of this project (well that and it is totally cute!)!

I have been adapting nicely to deal with tension. Sometimes if I pull too tight, its too hard to slip around the needles. But I seem to fix it as I go along and the tension is much lighter. Tight sneaks in a bit, but I still manage to get it done.

I have had 2 counting mistakes. So I fixed them the Rosie way. That may make it look funny, but I bet you big money no one will ever notice!

I admit the steeking part is still making me nervous, but I have some time before I go there!

Anyhoo, time to go to sleep!

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