Monday, July 21, 2014

Inspiration and indecision


So where did it come from?

I grew up with a Bubby who used to knit and crochet when we were kids growing up in the 70s and 80s. She mostly crocheted us blankets in weird coloured acrylic.  Sometimes she knit us things like mittens and balaclavas. My father has taken ownership of the blanket that Bubby made for me and the one that was my sisters.   The other thing that we all remember is the crocheted animals that she would make. I still have one that sits in my room on my shelf.

This month one of the Harry Potter Knit Crochet House Cup (That's for a whole other blog post! But you can find the group on Ravelry!) prompts was to craft something that is inspired by someone who influenced your crafting. So I made a knitted creature.
This was a MKAL by Rabbit Hole Knits and has been named Rats!
This guy is actually really cute! Rats are misunderstood!
The inspiration is this cat:
The bottom is the cat that Bubby made in the 70s so its almost as old as I am.
It came with the pins for the face and the yarn is squeaky to the touch!
I didn't learn to knit until well after my Bubby passed away in 1992. She never really knit or crocheted in the end as she had Alzheimer's. But I remember her crafting. 

Often when talking to my Aunt, she reminds me that I seem to have caught my crafting bug from Bubby. I always knew it.


The biggest problem now is that I want to start something, I have no idea what to start. 

Logical people will try to finish what is sitting in the to be finished pile. I am actually working on something right now from that pile. But I don't want to. I wanted to last night, but I have decided I need to embark on something else.

I started 4 projects yesterday and each one of them was taken off the needles and yarn wound up again.

I had to work on THAT WIP (WIP = Work In Progress! Get your mind out of the gutter!) and nothing else. But I couldn't THAT WIP!  I tore apart and organized looking for it. Finally I found it. Where I had put after I went to sleep and had been asleep for an hour or so.  I've been working on it on and off today.

BUT I WANT TO START SOMETHING NEW! So I have decided that a compromise is in order! When I'm at  home, I will work on the new project & I leave the WIP at the office and finish it slowly but surely.

But that's the plan today. Tonight it may change.

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