Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fine art of creating and trying to fix yarn barf!

Hello all!

I want to talk to you about yarn barf!

This lovely yarn arrived in the mail on Friday:

Blue Box exploding in w00t
A lovely hand painted lace yarn from Nerd Girl Yarns!

I couldn't get to a swift* this weekend. But was eager to wind it.


Welcome yarn barf:
Yarn wound without swift! OOPS!
Normally, I would freak out and cry. But not this time. Here may be a few reasons:
  1. I have another skein so I can start working on that one while I fix this. Lesson learned: I can have patience in fixing my mistakes when there is something else to distract me.
  2. I probably won't need this for a month. Lesson learned: I can be calm and rational when I do stupid things. But always remember to take my time. Patience is good!
  3. I have made a tennis ball sized ball and a golf ball sized yarn. It is slow but if I give it enough time, that all will work itself out. Lesson learned: even a small amount of work is progress and that if I keep at it, I will succeed.
I have given myself a whole month before I begin to panic. But it will get fixed and it will be part of a beautiful project already in progress.

I will show you my progress when some more has been made!

*Swift = a device that helps yarn be wound when using a ball winder!

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