Monday, August 17, 2009

Random random random

Well now that I have finally cooled off from my trip to work this morning, I can actually form a thought.

Random 1
I am growing my hair out. It is only just long enough for tiny pigtails. I can't collect the long bangs yet. I need to get all the hair off my neck so I look like the 1 year old who doesn't have enough hair yet. The upper part of my hair is a nest! Thanks Humidity!

Random 2
Tom Delay (a republican politician) is going on Dancing with the Stars. WTF? As Basil has said I guess he's not running for the presidential nomination!

Random 3
I down loaded a bunch of songs on my ipod. The majority of them are upbeat dance tunes. I was obviously in a good mood if I down loaded them. I keep a running list going of the songs I want. Therefore I won't miss one when I actually get down to getting them. I down loaded some Eminem -obviously he is not an upbeat dance tune maker. I also picked "this woman's work" by Maxwell & "Wicked Game" by Chris Issaack - again not upbeat dance songs, but nice songs. Al
Also for all you Lost freaks ( I include myself in that category!), there is a by Joe Purdy called "Washed Away" that Hurley listens to on his discman before it loses power.
Then there is some Madonna, PCD (Forgive me!), Ciara, Lady Gaga & some other tunes that you would hear & go oh yeah that one.
I also did a bit of Jackson music. Dirty Diana & Will you be there? (The long version) I downloaded Torture (Jacksons) & Jermaine's smash hit "Dynamite."

What was fun was while I was listening to them getting supper ready for my Dad, I totally geeked out dancing to the music. My dog even tried to dance with me, even though she couldn't hear the music because I had my ear buds.

Random 4
My sister & her family came back from Emgland on Friday night. They came over Saturday for a swim & to give me a couple of presesnts. The first was a box of British Smarties. They are different than Canadian Smarties because they add a bit of flavouring to them i.e. One has an orange flavour one tastes kind of peachy. Really weird.

They also bought a small tin that is a double decker bus that holds english breakfast tea in it. I had the tea this morning and it was yummy. I don't normally do english breakfast tea.

Random 5
After last weeks abysmal weight gain of 3.8lbs. I have some how managed to lose all of it plus a little extra. I suspect there must have been something in my system, that hadn't made it's way out yet.

That means my goal for my friends wedding is going ahead quite well!


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