Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Simply Squirrelly!

I have had something on my mind a lot lately. Actually it is on my mind almost every time I leave the house. There appears to be mutation in our midst.

I'm talking Squirrels!

Yes it seems that squirrels are mutating!

I'm not talking zombie squirrels or anything out of a horror story.

I first began noticing that the squirrels in the park near my office we're two toned. What was strange about them is that halfway through their bodies would change from black or dark brown to strawberry blond. It kind of looks like they had been dipped in a bottle of Sun-in( That happened to me when I was 13yrs old. My friend on a school trip dumped a whole bottle of it in my hair. I was strawberry blond for a while there!).

Anyways, it was always the bottom half including their tails. It wasn't one squirrel ,it was all the squirrels in the park. I tried to take a picture of them, but those suckers move pretty darn fast when you close in on them. Even with my long lens they would move too fast for me.

So it made me wonder was someone cruel to a pack of squirrels? Was this a new mutation? And if it was, why on Earth would this help them in the evolution of life?

Jump forward a couple of months & I have been noticing that all the squirrels tails are not as thick & bush as the once were. The advantage it that they look sleek & full. I find the bushy tails often looked sparse.

So the question is what is the reason for the changes that are taking place in the squirrel population?

How many times can I use the word squirrel in a blog entry & not be a squirrel expert?

Will I ever get the answers I seek?

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