Monday, September 14, 2009


Good morning all!

Firstly, if there are a few spelling mistakes in my entries as of late I apologize. They have changed the  formatting tools on the blog, but I haven't yet found the spell checker. Of course in my humble opinion, the spell checker is the most important tool of all!

If you know where it is, please let me know. I have been trying to go back & check on my own, but I am only human & therefore I am not perfect (contrary to what you might think!)!

So I have spent the last 3 days trying to read the stuff for my class tomorrow night. After 3 days of trying, I finally got through it. Yes I understand it, but my question is why must everything be written in long stupid explanations?  I understand that Binding law is always (with few exceptions!) what the higher courts have decided.

I am still feeling a bit of trepidation, but I think once I really get in the swing of it, all will be well! I finally figured out this morning that I had been signing into the wrong thing on-line to get my course notes. But there still seems to be a problem with getting anything on the new website too. I am sure that will get figured out soon enough!

Dad's blanket is getting big now. When I work on it, I can stay warm underneath it! I have offically finished a second skein of one of the yarns & in two weeks will be ready for a new round of them ( I only work on the blanket at Knit-o-matic on the weekends) so I won't get to the colour I don't have for another couple of weeks (Yes! It's getting that big!). Haley was nice enough to stash it away for me because the colours are starting  deminish in quantity. So she has hidden them away, so I can get them in a couple of weeks.

I have also started work on another hat for myself. Hats are general quick & easy & my head is rather large so I often have a hard time finding a hat that fits my head. So knitting a hat is great for me!  Eve, one of the Stitch N' Bitch ladies, made a great ear-flap hat in noro, so I think I am going to make myself one simular to that !

I am also going to take a mitten class, so I can make mitts to match all my hats!

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