Monday, September 21, 2009

Musical musings

Happy Monday to you all!

Today is going to be a short note to you all.

I am still singing most Sundays at a church in the west end. The solists rotate singing a solo. It was my turn yesterday. I sang "O rest in the Lord" from "Elijah" by Mendelsson.

After the service an older women (meaning older than my parents) stopped me in the hallway & asked if I was the soloist. She told me it was her first time at the church. She started to talk about the music but broke down in tears. She was quite eimbarrassed & surprised that she was reacting the way she was.

I told her there was nothing to be embarrassed about that music by it's very nature is meant to evoke emotions in people whether it is good, bad, happy or sad. She was still quite worried about it. I also explained that my mother when she hears organ music often has a strong response, so she wasn't alone. That seemed to make her feel better & off she went  off to coffee hour.

That moment meant alot to me for many reasons. Primarily it reminds me that the power of music is so strong. I realize that although the professional singer I was is no longer, I can still touch someone. For me that is what singing was always about. Being able to touch that one person enough to tears.  It also shows me that no matter what I am now & always will be a singer, professional or not. It is in my heart & soul.

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