Monday, November 16, 2009

Just a note

I know my entries have been sparse.

I know my entries have been about knitting. ALOT!

I have knitting on the brain as it is what I am doing right now.

I promise to be more interesting in the coming weeks.


Good Monday to you all!

So my Dad has just thrown down!

I am on a kntting kick for the holidays. NOTE: If you read this blog and are related to me and know I am giving you a present, SURPRISE!

My Dad was watching my knitting last night when my sister and the girls were over and told me he was sure I was over extending myself for Christmas knitting.

Now to be fair, early on in my knitting career, I was not as fast, into it and knowledgable as I am now. I did promise him a scarf and Mum a sweater 6 months after I started knitting and it has been about 4 years since. Mum got her sweater this summer. Dad made a request that it change into a  blanket. Which if you know me or have read this blog is in the works. If I were not making stuff for the holidays, it would probably have been done by now!

With all that back information, I see where he is coming from. But what he doesn't know is that I am a faster knitting now then I was 4 years ago and I had started knitting for the holidays about a month ago!

So Dad it is on! I accept your throw down challange to have everything on the list done in time for Christmas!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Knitting and Psychology

Hello all!

I  know it has been a while since posting. You'll have to excuse me for that! I have been feeling a little run down lately and have had trouble waking up in the mornings. My energy is not what it usually is. I am not sure yet if it is adjustment to night school or if I am coming down with something.

But I am feeling pretty good today!

I am currently knitting up a storm. Seeing as it is the holiday season, and I actually love to make things for people it is a good match.  My nieces and nephew's presents are almost complete and some of the adults in my life are under way as well.

I have been having fun making up a couple of patterns as I go along. That shows me that my confidence is rising in my abilities.

My knitting endeavors show me a few things about myself as I take stock in what I am in the midst of producing.

1. I knit for others first. This tends to be my motto when it comes to those I care about. I seem to worry about others and then myself in life. I sometimes forget to do things for myself.
              SOLUTION: In the midst of the holiday knitting I saw a pattern suggestion for this great scok yarn that was not a sock. I decided that I would make that for myself in the midst of all my holiday knitting. I may not get it done for a while, but I will get it done!

2. I'm just a girl who can't say no! Someone asks and even if I say no there is still some pushing for me to do it. There is that feeling of letting people down if I say no and for some reason I can't handle them being upset with me(Silly I know!).
               SOLUTION: Say yes but that it might take a bit of time to get it to them. In knitting either they forget about it or they will eventually get it and that calms them down.

3. Despite what people may think, I am actually a pretty organized person. I know what yarn I have. I know most of the needles I have. I also know what I am knitting for whom and when I need it done by.  It's interesting that I have spent most of my life believing that I am not the most organized, messy sure but organized? No way!  What's funny is that I run an office and I am organized enough to know before hand what and where the problems are to head them off.  My mother's family are all organizers of some form or another. So where is the surprise?
    I think it is amazing how one's perception of oneself stays with you even if the signs are there that you are wrong of your self image. Of course it can be too good a perception or horrible perception, but sometimes you have to stop and take stock of where you are in the moment and not in the past.  It is ok for me to knit for myself in the chaos of holiday knitting and  yes I can say no!

I didn't plan for this to be so heavy! Talk to y'all later