Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dear (Mode of Transportation) #1

The following is the first in a series of  four letters to the people who use different modes of transportation. It is not meant to be personal as I am also guilty of some of the things that I talk about in these letters.....

Dear Cyclist,
                      I understand that you have a speed machine that uses your leg power to control it, but just because you are using one part of your body, doesn't mean you can stop using your brain.
                     I get that momentum is part of what keeps your vehicle moving. That does not however give you the right to not yield at a four way stop. It also doesn't mean that you can't stop at a red light. It's a red light, it doesn't matter if there are no cars or pedestrians in the way. It is a red light. End of story!
                      You may not be the size of a car and more maneuverable, but that does not make it OK to cycle the wrong way down a one way street. Also it is rude to cut other people off, be it cyclist, driver or pedestrian.
                       I am tired of going along in the bike lane to have a motorcyclist or electric cyclist move into the bike lane in order to get ahead of traffic. That is not OK and you should be punished!
                     Oh, and another thing, the sidewalk is for pedestrians. It is not legal to ride your bike on the sidewalk. I don't care if you are in a quiet neighbourhood or on Bathurst. Unless you are a small child, GET OFF THE SIDEWALK! And certainly don't give me dirty looks for not moving out of your way when it is you who are in the wrong!

                    That's it. Thanks for listening!
                            Aunt Tallulah

P.S. One light ting of your bell is all that is needed to let me know you plan to pass me. A ten minute aria is not needed nor appreciated!

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