Monday, July 14, 2014

Fixing the problems!

We all make mistakes right?

Some are huge and some not so huge. Sometimes the mistake seems huge but it really isn't.

Most of the time it's how you attack fixing mistakes.

Knitting is a perfect example.

For some odd reason I didn't finish the row. I was bored, distracted, tired, whatever! Without thinking I shoved it into the bag and brought it home with me.

Wouldn't you know in the travel time the needle slipped and dropping of stitches ensued. Here is how the mind deals with this now:
  1. Initial freak out!OMG! I why was I stupid enough not to finish the row!
  2. Assess the damage!  OMG its a disaster!
  3. Assess the damage! Second opinion of my own is good and still a big pain in the butt!
  4. Try to fix it without knitting back or the use of a crochet hook.
  5. Realise you are making it worse. JUST KNIT BACK!
  6. Knit back and all is right with the world!

Mistake in midst of being fixed. It's not that bad honestly!
One spends all this time freaking out over the smallest little thing that was a:preventable and b: really not nearly as bad as one thinks. Really most things in life are like that. If I can triumph the psychology of the yarn mistake, maybe, just maybe I'm one step closer to fixing real life mistakes.

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