Monday, May 7, 2012

Blanket in progress 4

So I took a couple of days off to craft other things.

Notes on this project:
  • It is very easy to pull out and put away. No stress and easy to fix the fewer mistakes. I LOVE LESS STRESS!
  • Every time I pick it up, something new as an idea pops into my mind. Too bad they would mean starting all over again. 
  • I trust myself, but I need to let go more often and sooner! Then point above would happen less often.
  • Weaving in ends are good to do as you go along. I am using superwash so spit felting won't work, but all those ends hanging around seem to create some sort of issue in my brain. Too many ends means too much jumbled mess in my head. Funny how it works that way.
  • A couple of years ago this wouldn't have happened. WHY you may ask? I guess I don't trust my instincts or myself entirely, so as I am generally in life getting more comfortable with my self, the free form blanket also becomes more fun and easy going.
Here is the latest shot:
 Here it is with a cool effect from the iPhone:


  1. Pretty blanket, is it an OWL? I like the purple and green colors. When I have thoughts about how I could make the pattern different, I jot them in a notebook. Then, I can go back and make a project from the notes.

    1. Nope. THis is a class. I am doing 4 shawls for my OWL.

  2. Can't believe the colors work so well together, but they do. And it looks garter-smooshy and warm!
