Tuesday, September 15, 2009


First off I would like to have a moment of silence for Patrick Swayze.

I am not sure why I am more upset by his passing than say Michael Jackson. But it is a two-fold reason.

Firstly, PS was in many of  my youthful movies, that I loved watching. The Outsiders, Red Dawn, Dirty Dancing & Ghost were all movies that have had some siginifigance in my growing up. How many times have we referenced a line or two from Dirty Dancing? Or tried the final lift that Baby can't do. So in a way it's like saying good -bye to your youth.

I think the second reason it has hit me more is that our client and freind, Sam George, died of pancreatic cancer  at the beinging of the summer. Sam was diagnosed after PS but passed away in about 9 months. PS lasted more than twice as long than that. I may not have know Sam for a long time, but he did make a mark in my adult life if even for a brief moment. Sam was always in a good mood (I have heard about when he wasn't, but I never saw that side!)! He was also the first client I got to know here. He told Murray that I was a keeper a couple of days after I started working here!

So now I would like a moment of silence for Sam.

I don't have anymore to say right now!

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