Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An open letter to my body (Not as bad as it sounds!)

Dear body,

I appreciate all that you do for me. I really do. I know that without you I wouldn't exist.

I admit that there are times where I don't take care of you properly. I may eat the wrong things or not exercise enough. I may spend too much time sitting for long periods of time or walk for a lot longer than I probably should. Yes, I do the best I can with what I've got and am far  from perfect.

You are important to me and obviously you are not very happy with me today.
Did I do something to offend you? Are you punishing me for past wrongs? Was the haircut really that bad?

I understand that one gets sick. I have spent many years going through an infection or two every 3-4 months. It eventually started slowing down. I know it has been a year since my last infection but I don't want one now, please.  Is this just a way for me to remember? Trust me I remember!

I remember falling asleep only to wake up in the middle of the night in the clothes you wore all day & all the lights are on in the room. I remember getting a phone call but completely missing it although I have apparently had a conversation with someone.

I remember my ear drums playing the little drummer boy. I remember the pain around my eyes caused by my  sinuses. I remember taking an hour to get out of bed even though I have to get to work. I can also remember the headaches.

Oh and how could I ever forget feeling like there is sandpaper in my throat?

You see body I don't forget. I have suffered many times over and over. I was sort of hoping you might hold off for a while. I wish I knew what I could do to help you get over the pain of the past. Can't we move forward and work towards a fulfilling mutually benefitial relationship for both of us?

I would truly love a reply to my plea. You know where to find me!

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